Monday, 31 October 2011

Minimalist Monday

I need to give a progress report to myself about my minimalist drive.  But it's quite difficult as I feel that I have not made huge progress in this time.  I am however still in the run, and am now more decluttering than I did in the past.

Kitchen update:

all gone

a work in progress

The entrance to our house looks a lot better now that we have taken the two cupboards out.  Both are still in the house :-(  but out of the way.  Need to sell them.  We have more space at the dining room table and can walk past the children when they work.

But, we do not have enough space for food.  We like to buy in bulk, small bulk, that is - rather the larger pack, than the smaller one when the former is cheaper per weight, etc.  So, it's back to the drawing board -oh no, I'm not in the office anymore.  Just back to the kitchen and the plastics cupboard, with more to get rid of, to make space for a new place for all groceries.

Our occupant on the kitchen cabinet, in the dark corner, has "moved out" to greener pastures.  The hamster was buried under the red rose bush with lots of rose buds and blooms, to mommy's horror.  I love my rose garden, the first one I ever have.

Another problem is that lot of things find their way to the kitchen, the things we use and do not put back in their place.  Well, to be honest, a lot of things in my house do not have a fixed place.  I'm a scatterbrain and can never even remember where those places are.

A book, a book, I already have a book: 
Have to say this does not sound the same as in Dutch "Een boek, een boek, I hebt al een boek."

I really battle to get rid of books, and it's the BIG reason why I'm stalling in my quest for minimalism.  I just seem to battle to decide which books should go.  Ok, I know, but what to do with them.  Ok, I know… I know … sell them.

I feel that the success of minimalising the rest of the house will be to start with all my books.

Minimalist Monday:
I do hope that by trying to make this a regular feature, I might stay on track.  It already makes a big difference in my thinking.  I now think twice about what to bring into the house, a lot of thought about what to let go, and how to get rid of it.

And my biggest hope is that in a practical and physical way we can teach our children that happiness is not linked to the possessions that we have, the income that we earn or business of our lives.

1 comment:

  1. O aarde, nee!!! Nie my boeke nie!!!!
    Gits, Esther, jy sien kans vir baie. Ek sal ook minder maak - papiere, tydskrifte, klere, goeters, maar my boeke....

    En daai "scatterbrain" - dis ekke daai!
